The range of applicability of electrification in the treatment of disease becomes broader and broader as time passes. Wherever electrification is used, directly or indirectly, for the cure of disease, it is to be ranked as an electro-therapeutic agent. Any product of electrification that is used chemically must be classed with electro-therapeutics.
A product of electrification, known as Ozol, by virtue of its merits, is now creating considerable interest in the medical world. The apparatus used in creating Ozol consists of an electrical ozonizer, operated by an alternating mode of high potential power - about twenty thousand volts - but the volume of mode used is very small, being less than two amperes.
When the machine is in operation, a decided purple glow is to be seen in the ozonizers, and as the air is driven through the electrical discharge, there is a liberation of ozone. A pressure blower is connected directly to a motor, and after the liberation of nascent ozone it passes through the crescent shaped tube, partially filled with a mixture of Pinus oils. Here the ozone and oils forms a new chemical compound, which has been given the name of "OZOL".
The identity of the ozone is lost in forming this new compound, both as to its irritating properties and odor and also chemical reaction. In producing Ozol, none of the antiseptic or blood-building powers of the ozone are lost. These powers are increased to a marked degree through the agency of the terpenes.
Ozol contains no ozone in its free state. While free ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent, those who have experimented with it find that it is too irritating to the respiratory organs to be practical, making it impossible to use sufficient of it to oxidize the blood to any great degree.
The new compound gas is very agreeable to the sense of smell and the ozone is so disguised as to be unrecognizable in the product, Ozol. The pungency is so modified as to enable persons to inhale a ten times greater quantity of the new compound than it would be possible to take of the free ozone. Consequently, Ozol has ten times greater oxidizing powers than ozone.
Oxidizing the blood has greater significance in the treatment of disease than the average physician is prepared to believe. In recalling our lessons in Physiology, we are reminded that the normal temperature of the body is produced, and maintained, by the action of the oxygen we breathe upon the fluids of the body, causing combustion. Then, it is natural to conclude that persons, who have a sub-normal temperature, carry on an insufficient amount of combustion.
We have learned empirically that fresh air treatment is a great benefit to run- down persons, but just why such great benefits are to be derived, we have failed to give much thought.
As soon as oxidation to a part is diminished, that part begins to die, and becomes a suitable field of infection.
While much time and energy has been expended in obtaining the active principles of drugs for therapeutic purposes, but little thought has been given, heretofore, to ways and means of rendering the air more active for us as a curative agent. Heretofore, the world has been content to use air as Nature made it. The late Dr. William D. Neel., of Chicago, rendered the profession a great service in inventing this active oxidizing agent. This gas is taken directly into the circulation, by inhalation, and produces wonderful effects upon the blood, by increasing the red corpuscles and hemoglobin, and through its influence the quality of the blood is very much improved. Its action upon the Vaso-Motor Nervous System causes all the organs to perform their functions better.
As organic lesions owe their existence to functional perversion, this treatment has a wide field of applicability.
I have, for some time past, been using the ozol method and have had it under close observation, and must say frankly that it produces wonderful results. Almost every form of functional disorder can be treated successfully by it, and it differs from the usual form of drugging, in that its effects are perfectly natural, the nerves being left calmed and pacific, while the muscular system takes on a feeling of buoyance and exhilaration.
It differs from other nerve sedatives, in that it neither checks the secretions, nor depresses the Vaso-Motor action. It is very effective in eliminating waste products by all the channels. It increases the appetite and causes natural movement of the bowels, and its effect upon the kidneys is shown in the clearing up of deposits and re-establishing normal specific gravity.
Nervous tension, due to cerebral congestion, with restlessness, insomnia and melancholia, is effectually overcome. It establishes a permanency of vigor, and the nerve-wrecked or care-worn persons are made to realize its influence in an incredibly short time.
I have witnessed the most phenomenal and unbelievable results from the inhalations of Ozol in the treatment of syphillis. Menstrual disorders of a functional nature yield to its influence promptly.
I will admit that I was not prepared to believe that so many persons suffer from disease, due to under-oxidation of the blood, as is evidenced by sub-normal temperature, until I begin to make observations with my thermometer. Neither was I prepared to believe that any agency could act so promptly in establishing a normal temperature, and upon re-establishing a normal temperature, that functional derangements would disappear so quickly.
The conditions that I would mention especially, as being most amenable to this treatment, are such as neurasthenia, melancholia, insomnia, anemia, asthma, hay-fever, bronchitis, early stages of pulmonary consumption, dyspepsia, constipation, headaches, inactive liver or kidneys, menstrual disorders, and syphillis in any stage, and I would say that it is a most valuable adjunct to surgical, electrical and other procedures, for the relief or cure of organic diseases.
This method is most rational. It appeals to both the physician and the patient, and the results produced are almost invariably satisfactory, especially if the disease has not reached a condition of organic disintegration.
I would suggest that the clinical thermometer be used more freely for the purpose of ascertaining the prevalence of sub-normal temperature, then to study what relation sub-normal temperature bears to functional diseases. As it has been a revelation to me, so will it be to others.
I submit the question of under-oxidation, with reference to its relation to disease; more particularly those which have a tendency to chronicity.
The preservation of health and prevention of disease is dependent almost entirely upon pure, healthy blood. Every organ, nerve, tissue and sinew of the body draws on this vital fluid for nourishment and strength. When the blood is not right, other things go wrong.
The object of respiration is to bring the oxygen of the air in close relationship with the hemoglobin of the blood and to permit of the elimination of carbonic acid gas (CO2) from the body as well as other effete products in minute quantities.
In the process of respiration waste products are exposed to the action of the oxygen of the air, and they are burned up very much as if they were put into a stove, thereby producing body heat. In the living body, heat, whether tangible or not, is continually being generated through the chemical action of carbon and oxygen.
When the blood receives sufficient oxygen to unite with the carbon in the proportion of two atoms of oxygen to one of carbon, carbonic acid gas (CO2) is formed, which is in a suitable condition to be eliminated. The process of oxidation is complete, the body temperature maintained at normal (98.6o F.), the organs perform their functions properly and the system is in a condition to resist the toxic influence of micro-organisms. When, however, an insufficient amount of oxygen is received by the blood, carbon monoxide (CO) is formed, which is not readily eliminated, and through its poisonous influences the system becomes debilitated or "run down," and trouble begins. Carbon monoxide is a deoxidizer. It acts as an irritant to the nervous system, destroys hemoglobin, interferes with the functions of the organs, the body temperature is reduced below normal, which renders the system incapable of resisting the toxic influences of the various bacteria, and disease is the result.
So prevalent is subnormal temperature among people "run-down," that nine out of ten of them will show a subnormal temperature by actual thermometer test. The clinical thermometer is the best means of determining the existence of under oxidation and should be used preferably mornings. The temperature of one who is under-oxidized will be found to run from a fraction of a degree to three or four degrees below normal.
The under-oxidized and subnormal temperatured person will present one or more of the following symptoms:
Headache, backache, sleeplessness, dizziness, constipation, faint feeling, loss of memory, lack of energy, irregular appetite, stomach disturbances, coated tongue, puffy ankles, palpitation of the heart, heavy sediment in urine, cold hands and feet, numbness in limbs, flushing of face, excessive kidney action, disordered menstruation, visual disturbances, subnormal temperature.
From these symptoms we are justified in rendering a diagnosis of under- oxidation, taking on the definite form of either:-
Neurasthenia, constipation, liver disorders, kidney disorders, stomach disorders, intestinal disorders, uterine disorders, melancholia, hysteria, chorea, functional insanity, anaemia, chlorosis, sexual depression.
The symptoms or conditions that arise from under-oxidation of the blood are not necessarily in proportion to the degree of sub-normal temperature. A patient showing the fractional part of one degree of subnormal temperature may present as severe symptoms or condition of disease as one who is several degrees below normal.
A sufficiency of an active form of oxygen for the blood means better blood, better circulation, better combustion, better equilibrium of body temperature, better vaso-motor activity, better digestion, better assimilation of food products, better eliminiation of waste products, less chance of auto- intoxication, better chance for body builders, and less chance for body destroyers.
Scientists long ago recognized the great oxidizing and antiseptic powers of ozone, but owing to its irritating effects upon the respiratory organs, when used as an inhalant, little progress has been made with it in its free state in the treatment of disease.
We have succeeded in perfecting a machine whereby we convert the air into ozone and then convert the ozone into a new peroxide compound (C10H18O3) for inhalation purposes which we have named "OZOL." The Ozol machine is an electrical device, simple, embracing a number of newly discovered electrical principles ingeniously combined to accomplish a given purpose.
The Ozol machine is constructed with the highest consideration for proficiency, regardless of cost.
The process of creating the new compound, Ozol, consists of electrical ozonizers of high potential power, the air being driven through the electrical discharge wherein it is converted into ozone which is passed through glass tubes of crescent shape, partly filled with volatile oils. Here the all-important chemical change takes place and the new compound gas, Ozol (C10H18O3), thus formed passes through flexible tubes and is inhaled by patients by means of moderately close fitting face masks. The chemical union of Ozol with the waste products of the body produces thorough combustion, the body temperature is raised, waste products are properly eliminated, and a healthful condition of circulation is re-established.
In the new peroxide compound, Ozol, none of the oxidizing, antiseptic or blood-building powers of the ozone are lost. In fact, these powers are increased to a marked degree. The new gas thus formed contains no ozone in its free state. The identity of the ozone is lost as to its pungency, odor and chemical reaction. A combination of oils of the Pinus group has been selected (Eucalyptus, Pine, Thyme, etc.), which not only constitute an agreeable and effective inhalant, but are also recognized as possessing marked therapeutic value in the treatment of diseased mucous surfaces.
After careful analytical investigations of disease, it has been demonstrated:
First - That one of the most common and important conditions which the doctor is called upon to correct, is the weakness and incapacity produced by a diminished or impoverished blood supply.
Second- That under-oxidation produces bad health primarily, because of an insufficient supply of oxygen that makes certain the formation of carbon monoxide, which is at once a deoxidizer, a hemoglobin destroyer, and an irritant poison, devitalizing the blood and paving the way for consumption, neurasthenia, hysteria, melancholia, functional insanity, menstrual disorders, excessive kidney action, sleeplessness, asthma, etc., and renders the system susceptible to a multiplicity of acute troubles, many of which run on to chronicity.
It has long been recognized that atmosphere possesses the properties of blood-building, oxidation and antisepsic. Ozol differs from atmospheric air only in degree of activity and potency, and Ozol's greater action makes it the greatest blood-building, oxidizing and antiseptic agent within the reach of the medical profession.
It has been suggested that a subnormal temperature may be a normal condition with some people. This deduction can be controverted by placing any one with a subnormal temperature under the active influences of Ozol when the temperature can be made to rise to normal.
Almost every form of functional, nervous, respiratory and blood disorders can be treated successfully by the Ozol method, which differs from the usual form of drugging in that its effects are perfectly natural; the nerves being left calm, toned and pacific, while the muscular system takes on a feeling of buoyancy and exhilaration.
It is unlike so-called nerve sedatives. It does not check secretions or depress the Vaso-Motor system through the nerve centers, which fact is clearly shown in increased redness of skin, a feeling of warmth of the whole body and waste products being more freely eliminated. Increase of appetite is soon observed, regular and natural movements of the bowels are established, and the urine, cleared of its heavy deposits, assumes a natural color and specific gravity. Coated tongue, foul breath, heart palpitation, despondency, gloomy forebodings, cold hands and cold feet soon disappear. Persons arise in the morning feeling refreshed and free from headache, languor and pains.
In cases of nervous tension, due to cerebral congestion, causing restlessness, insomnia and melancholia, it brings quick relief. It imparts a permanency of vigor to the whole system, and the jaded, nerve-wrecked, care- worn appearance of the patient is replaced at once by a cheerful countenance and it puts the patient in a frame of mind to talk approvingly about the treatment.
The bad influences of under oxidation upon the nervous system are far reaching. it is the foundation stone of worry. Mental worry is the pit that catches countless thousands. The career of the under oxidized, mentally overworked is brief. Mental worry and sleepless nights are serious. So closely are neurasthenia and consumption associated that many scientists have declared that consumption is of nerve origin.
Nerve disorders disorganize the whole system. One organ after another begins to lag and fails to perform its function properly, and one symptom after another gives warning of existing disorders.
Ozol is prompt of action, in applicable cases, and no one appreciates its effects more than the patient.
It requires 30 to 70 minutes inhalation to saturate the blood, then the patient declines more.
The Ozol method affords conclusive evidence that poor oxidation is the cause of many disorders by reason of the fact that when it brings the temperature up to normal, all symptoms disappear.
In the slow recovery of strength, after long continued fevers, or other protracted illness, which depletes vitality, strength is rapidly restored and convalescence hastened by the Ozol method. Special blood diseases soon respond to this remedy, and one experienced physician reports in three years symptomatic cures, without drugs, in thirty cases of syphilis, in all stages, treated by this method.
Menstrual disorders are so common and so often overshadowed by more serious complications as to be often looked upon as only of secondary consideration, but it is safe to say that no physician using the Ozol method to any extent, will fail to observe that it is a most certain and reliable regulator.
It acts with amazing promptness in amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, hyperemia of the ovaries, and the hyperesthetic conditions caused by engorgement of the pelvic viscera. The two so-called "critical periods" of the woman's life, either in girlhood or middle age, at last find a satisfactory remedy in Ozol. If effectually robs the climacteric of its horrors.
In the absence of atrophy, it is most reliable in re-establishing the normal functional activities of the genitalia.
The Ozol method is a rational and agreeable departure from the older methods of dosing by the stomach. It does the work, unaided by any other remedy. It is not ozone; it is the product of ozone and the essential oils of the pine - a new gas, the formula of which is C10H18O3. It stands the severest test, not in one particular disease only, but in many widely different diseases. It produces results, and that is what the physician recognizes as his greatest need.